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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio as part dignissimos ducimus qui blandit.


    Introducing RealGen

    REAL TIME MONITORING OF DSM CHARGES – Kreate Technologies brings a revolutionary solution for the power sector with an aim to bring in more accountability and efficiency in power generation. Our RealGen software is an integrated solution which helps power generating companies (Gencos) in load balancing, managing power schedules, maximizing revenues and avoiding grid penalties.


    Real Time Dashboard

    Displays complete data of the generator in real time including auxiliary consumption, scheduled vs injected power, average frequency, DSM rate, etc.

    DSM Calculation Sheet

    To reconcile DSM charges with grid, complete calculation of DSM charges (15 minutes block wise) will be calculated and published.

    Revenue Calculation

    Online calculation of total savings are based on total scheduled and total injected energy (MUs), total receivable and total payable DSM amount, total fuel cost, etc., till the previous time block for a day.

    Real time Metering Status

    Real time monitoring on data fetching from meters.

    Auxililary Consumption Calculation

    Plant's auxiliary consumption graph in 15 minute block time.

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